This content is from the fall 2016 version of this course. Please go here for the most recent version.
Due by 12pm on Wednesday December 7th.
repositoryGo here to fork the repo for homework 10.
We created a Shiny app that lets you search for products from Virginia ABC stores based on price, alcohol type, and proof. We used this dataset and this code for our app.
The app is functional, but there is plenty of room for improvements. For the homework, you need to add 3 or more features to the Virginia ABC store app. Potential features could be (but are not limited to):
to get TRUE/FALSE values from the user.DT
package to turn the current results table into an interactive table.
package, replace tableOutput()
with DT::dataTableOutput()
and replace renderTable()
with DT::renderDataTable()
to let the user decide on the colors of the bars in the plot.tabsetPanel()
to create an interface with multiple tabs.www
and use the function includeCSS()
to use it in your app.shinyjs
, leaflet
, shinydashboard
, shinythemes
, ggvis
to the UI, and in its corresponding renderText()
use the number of rows in the filtered()
and downloadHandler()
radio buttons into checkboxes (checkboxGroupInput()
) since checkboxes support choosing multiple items, or change typeInput
into a select box (selectInput()
) with the argument multiple = TRUE
to support choosing multiple options.This app can use an entirely different dataset. Perhaps write an app to explore the gapminder
dataset, or maybe use data from your final project to write an app that could be incorporated into your final project.1 The sky is the limit here, so be creative! Or be simple to minimize your workload over the next week. But the more creative your effort, the more points awarded.
Regardless of which option you select, you must do the following 4 things:
file and a server.R
file. Note that so far in class we only had our apps inside an app.R
file. You can read this official Shiny help page if you need more help with this
file in your homework repo. In it you should describe your app and add a link to the URL where the app is hosted.Your assignment submission includes two components:
Follow instructions on homework workflow. As part of the pull request, you’re encouraged to reflect on what was hard/easy, problems you solved, helpful tutorials you read, etc.
Check minus: The deployed app does not work or results in many errors. There is no README
file describing what the app does.
Check: Shiny app runs. The README
file describes either a new app or 3+ additions to our Virginia ABC store app. Whatever is described in the README
is actually implemented in the app.
Check plus: Amazing Shiny app. Lots of new features or a very cool new app idea. App looks great visually.
Yes, you may reuse this app in your final project.↩
This work is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 Creative Commons License.