This content is from the fall 2016 version of this course. Please go here for the most recent version.
I assume you can pull from and push to GitHub from RStudio.
Homework assignments will be stored in separate Git repositories under the uc-cfss
organization on GitHub. To complete a homework assignment, you need to:
) file and any accompaying files, such as figures.
) file.
Here are some minor tweaks that can make a big difference in how awesome your product is.
Reduce the friction for graders to get the hard-working source code (the R markdown) and the front-facing report (HTML).
in the homework’s main directory to serve as the landing page for your submission. Whenever anyone visits this repo, this will be automatically rendered nicely! In particular, hyperlinks will
file, create annotated links to the documents graders will need to access. Such as:
need to be available in the repo in order appear here.Simply visiting an HTML file in a GitHub repo just shows ugly HTML source. You need to do a little extra work to see this rendered as a proper webpage.
. Copy that URL!
to the URL. So the URL in your link should look something like this:
. You can learn more about this preview facility
will produce something that looks like this:## Session info --------------------------------------------------------------
## setting value
## version R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
## system x86_64, darwin13.4.0
## ui RStudio (1.0.44)
## language (EN)
## collate en_US.UTF-8
## tz America/Chicago
## date 2016-12-21
## Packages ------------------------------------------------------------------
## package * version date source
## assertthat 0.1 2013-12-06 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## backports 1.0.4 2016-10-24 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## bit 1.1-12 2014-04-09 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## bit64 0.9-5 2015-07-05 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## broom * 0.4.1 2016-06-24 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## car 2.1-3 2016-08-11 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## caret 6.0-73 2016-11-10 CRAN (R 3.3.2)
## codetools 0.2-15 2016-10-05 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## colorspace 1.2-7 2016-10-11 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## config 0.2 2016-08-02 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## DBI 0.5-1 2016-09-10 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## devtools 1.12.0 2016-06-24 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## digest 0.6.10 2016-08-02 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## dplyr * 0.5.0 2016-06-24 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## evaluate 0.10 2016-10-11 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## foreach 1.4.3 2015-10-13 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## foreign 0.8-67 2016-09-13 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## gapminder * 0.2.0 2015-12-31 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## ggplot2 * 2016-12-02 Github (hadley/ggplot2@f6f9f9d)
## gtable 0.2.0 2016-02-26 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## highr 0.6 2016-05-09 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## htmltools 0.3.5 2016-03-21 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## httr 1.2.1 2016-07-03 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## iterators 1.0.8 2015-10-13 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## jsonlite 1.1 2016-09-14 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## knitr * 1.15 2016-11-09 CRAN (R 3.3.1)
## labeling 0.3 2014-08-23 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## lattice 0.20-34 2016-09-06 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## lazyeval 0.2.0 2016-06-12 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## lme4 1.1-12 2016-04-16 cran (@1.1-12)
## lubridate * 1.6.0 2016-09-13 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## magrittr 1.5 2014-11-22 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## MASS 7.3-45 2016-04-21 CRAN (R 3.3.1)
## Matrix 1.2-7.1 2016-09-01 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## MatrixModels 0.4-1 2015-08-22 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## memoise 1.0.0 2016-01-29 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## mgcv 1.8-16 2016-11-07 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## minqa 1.2.4 2014-10-09 cran (@1.2.4)
## mnormt 1.5-5 2016-10-15 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## ModelMetrics 1.1.0 2016-08-26 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## modeltools 0.2-21 2013-09-02 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## multidplyr 2016-11-23 Github (hadley/multidplyr@f6bece5)
## munsell 0.4.3 2016-02-13 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## nlme 3.1-128 2016-05-10 CRAN (R 3.3.1)
## nloptr 1.0.4 2014-08-04 cran (@1.0.4)
## NLP 0.1-9 2016-02-18 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## nnet 7.3-12 2016-02-02 CRAN (R 3.3.1)
## nycflights13 0.2.0 2016-04-30 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## pbkrtest 0.4-6 2016-01-27 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## plyr 1.8.4 2016-06-08 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## psych 1.6.9 2016-09-17 cran (@1.6.9)
## purrr * 0.2.2 2016-06-18 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## quantreg 5.29 2016-09-04 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## R6 2.2.0 2016-10-05 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## rappdirs 0.3.1 2016-03-28 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## rcfss * 0.1.0 2016-10-06 local
## Rcpp 0.12.7 2016-09-05 cran (@0.12.7)
## readr * 1.0.0 2016-08-03 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## readxl * 0.1.1 2016-03-28 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## reshape2 1.4.2 2016-10-22 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## rjson 0.2.15 2014-11-03 cran (@0.2.15)
## rmarkdown * 1.1 2016-10-16 CRAN (R 3.3.1)
## rplos 0.6.0 2016-07-22 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## rprojroot 1.1 2016-10-29 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## rsconnect 0.5 2016-10-17 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## rstudioapi 0.6 2016-06-27 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## scales 0.4.1 2016-11-09 CRAN (R 3.3.1)
## slam 0.1-38 2016-08-18 CRAN (R 3.3.2)
## solr 0.1.6 2015-09-17 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## sparklyr * 0.4.31 2016-11-19 Github (rstudio/sparklyr@2662da5)
## SparseM 1.72 2016-09-06 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## stringi 1.1.2 2016-10-01 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## stringr * 1.1.0 2016-08-19 cran (@1.1.0)
## tibble * 1.2 2016-08-26 cran (@1.2)
## tidyr * 0.6.0 2016-08-12 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## tidyverse * 1.0.0 2016-09-09 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## titanic * 0.1.0 2015-08-31 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## tm 0.6-2 2015-07-03 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## topicmodels * 0.2-4 2016-05-23 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## twitteR 1.1.9 2015-07-29 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## whisker 0.3-2 2013-04-28 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## withr 1.0.2 2016-06-20 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## XML 3.98-1.4 2016-03-01 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
## yaml 2.1.13 2014-06-12 CRAN (R 3.3.0)
Instead of just printing an object with R, you could format the info in an attractive table. Some leads:
function from knitr
, pander
.Not sure what #rstats package to use to make your lovely Reproducible Table? I made a flowchart for you! #knitr
— Andrew MacDonald (@polesasunder) May 7, 2014
Unfortunately I know of no easy way to generate similar information using Python.↩
This work is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 Creative Commons License.