Code Tutorials

The following pages include introductory code tutorials on a variety of computational methods including using Git for version control; a gentle introduction to Python for R users; basic Pandas usage for data and graphs; text anlysis using NLTK, ngram frequency, and topic models in Python; Machine Learning using Sklearn; and API interfacing using Python to collect data from the Twitter REST and STREAMING API's.

Follow @jmausolf
Introduction to Using
- Git In Bash -
Intermediate Git
- Forks, Branches, Pulls -
- to Python from R-
Using Python for the
- Twitter API -
Topic Models in Python
- Text and Tweets -
Machine Learning in Python
- Sklearn Loops-
Basic Pandas in Python
- Data Analysis -
Text in Python
- Keyword Counting -
Elementary NLTK
- Examples -
Introductory PCA
- in Python -


Joshua is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology and a preceptor in the Masters of Computational Social Science program at the University of Chicago. He utilizes computational, statistical, and experimental methods to study changes in partisan polarization within and across firms and how partisanship affects hiring and promotional behavior in corporations.